A different life

Some of the names included in our family history are Burrows, Cole, Collins, Fanning, Fisk, Forbes, Lush, Meehan, McGillivray.

My paternal grandmother, born Annie Forbes Fisk, comes from a rather large collection of convicts including some from the First & Second Fleets also the First Victorian settlement at Sorento. Convict names include Elizabeth Cole, Cornelius Richard Burrows, Sylvester Lush, James Tucker, William Gay, Robert Coad.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

A plaque at St. David's, Hobart, Tasmania

This plaque lists some of the people who were relocated from Norfolk Island to Van Dieman's Land [Tasmania]  sailing from Norfolk Island aboard "The City of Edinburgh" 3 September 1808 and arriving at Derwent River, Van Dieman's Land 2 October 1808
On this list are Elizabeth Cole & husband Richard Cornelius Burrows and children Ann, John, Maria [ her father is James Tucker] and Richard. Also Thomas Cole, the son of Elizabeth Cole and William Ellis.


  1. Hi Trish,

    Note that Elizabeth's son, Thomas Cole, is listed on it as well.. but separately as he's now a young man of 19 years old. Isn't this plaque in Hobart, not Launceston?

    Cheers, Rachel

  2. Thanks Rach,
    Fixed that straight away, and thanks for mentioning Thomas.
    Kind regards Trish
