Although this article is not about Sylvester Lush, it does describes the position of land owned by Sylvester Lush and his neighbor.
Mr. T. Y. Lowes
All that tract or parcel of land, containing by admeasurement 50 acres, be the same more or less, situate lying and being in the district of Glenarchy, Van Diemen's Land, bounded on the west side by a grant to William Leach, on the south side by a line bearing east 10 degrees south to Lush's grant, on the east side by a grant to Sylvester Lush, and on the north side by the river Derwent, together with the messuage or dwelling-house thereon erected and built, lately used as an Inn, and kuown by the name of the " Fox Inn." For further particulars apply to John Dobson, Esq , solicitor, Macquarie-street, Hobart Town.
The land described was originally granted to Margaret Wishart on 14 November 1825. The land may have been located to her prior to that date. Sylvester Lush's land, comprising 30 acres, granted by Governor Macquarie (grant No. 609), was the wedge shaped allotment located immediately to the south-east of Wishart's land. This allotment has recently been sub-divided around Sharron Drive, Granton. The original wedge shape can (mostly) still be identified 200 years later!